Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time Passes........

Been a while, a few twists and turns, yet here I am, back again, more determined than ever to make a success of my business.
A very brief foray into the world of gainful employment just served to reinforce the notion that I should give this my best effort and try my hardest to make a go of things.
I thought, through cosmic karma, I had stumbled across the most perfect of jobs and on the face of it, it was, but........promised hours per week immediately dwindled to less and the net pay would hardly compensate for working every other weekend, an uncertain schedule with precious little notice of workhours for the following week making planning all but impossible and the general disruption for my family.
Luckily I am fortunate enough not to have to work to pay my bills; the job would have provided a comfortable cushion but with careful and frugal spending I think it is entirely possible to cut back on the household budget and match the money I would have earned.

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